Monday, February 12, 2007

today is the12th of Feb.
time flies...
this is my rest day though. was working yesterday, yes a sunday. So sian..
hopefully the new staffS are coming soon.
many ppl resign from my work the same

all my collegue know i'm going to apply for Uni already...really hope i could get in this time round...sick of working..really...working sucks...when u start to know about the politic there..

Have learnt many things there...glad i'm able to adapt to the place..but sometimes you just get so stress there...not becos of the workload but the politics..have to be so careful b4 you speak...i'm serious...what you say to a person can be spread SO fast that everybody in the lab will know within an hour..haha...anyway..getting used to it..just act blur..gossip lesser..but it's good to know what's happening in a safe

well, life is getting better =)...glad that i've grown..God is just so amazing.
He knows u so well...
so many things to say..but dunno where to start...if ppl know who i really was in the past..then i think they can see the different ba...well...pray that God will cont. to teach and guide me..

alright...signing off soon..going to apply for Uni online le..
take care guys..